Tentative Thesis and Supporting Points for Visual Analysis Essay

Tentative Thesis: Using the photograph of an oil pipeline near White Earth, North Dakota, photographer Terry Evans urges viewers to consider the changing nature of the relationship between humans and the environment. She articulates her view that humans are infringing upon the environment by emphasizing contrasts in scale, color, and form.

Supporting Point #1: The photographer’s use of scale shows contrast between the environment and human infringements, thus characterizing the human-environmental relationship as severely unbalanced.

Supporting Point #2: The blatant color contrast between the grey land carved out for the oil pipeline set against the green, rolling hills is another attempt of the photographer to emphasize the discontinuity between the landscape and human construction.

Supporting Point #3: Evans’ framing of the forms in the photograph draw attention to the organic fluidity of the landscape and the strikingly geometric shape of the pipeline land in such a way that viewers perceive the human construction of the pipeline to be a gash in the otherwise unblemished surface of the land. 

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